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Zuccinnie pile up

2 servings

preconditions: Slice zuccinnie into 1inch slices lay on paper towels and salt layer paper towel and squash and let set 30 min this will draw water out of the squash

Three large zuccinne three eggsbeaten salt and pepper chili powder paprika onion powder hot sauce parmeasan cheese to taste one pound ground beef diced tomatoes cillantro onions shreaded mex cheese oil for frying

Preparation Method:
Get oil hot remove squash from paper towels put in egg mix do this in batches.
Drop in hot oil frying until golden about 3min flipping them once.
Drain on paper towels.Imediatly sprinkle with chili powder paprika salt and pepper onion powder and parmeasean cheese.
Now brown ground beef with salt pepper chili powder and garlic powder and drain seperate squash into two serving plates top with hot sauce ground beef and shredded cheese and a dallop of sour cream if you like cilantro and diced onion and tomatoes
This really helps to curb craveings for tacos and nachos.
Only carbs are in the tomatoes that I know of and the onins.

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