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Caviar Stuffed Endives

24 servings

1/2 Cup cottage cheese
2 Tbsp. salmon caviar
3 Tbsp. finely snipped fresh chives or minced scallions
3 Belgian endives, separated into 24 leaves
1/3 Cup assorted julienned vegetables (bell pepper, carrot, scallion)

Preparation Method:
In a mini-food processor or hand-held blender, puree the cottage cheese until smooth and creamy. Stir in 2 tablespoons of chives.
Spread a little of the cottage cheese mixture in the base of each endive leaf, then top each mound of cheese with a dab of the caviar. Arrange the vegetables decoratively in the endive leaves.
Garnish with the remaining 1 tablespoon chives, place on a platter and serve.

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